Don't It Feel Like Sunshine After All
Currently Playing: Jimmy Eat World - The World You Love
Thanksgiving break came and went too quickly. It was a welcome break from the stresses of school and work -- and yet not. Although I was not physically at school, I still could not put off school work. With a paper due Wednesday, a lab due Thurdsay, a lab final on Friday, and the rest of my finals looming ominously in the not too distant future, I could not really afford to take a break. With that said, I didn't do any work this weekend.
I left for Irvine on Thursday morning at around 10:15 am. Two hours of random traffic caused by people randomly braking later, I got home. *WARNING: Rant* I still do not understand why people brake at the slightest curve in the road or decline in elevation. Oh no! The road is going from an elevation of 30 feet to 10 over the span of half a mile! I must brake all the way down! Bah. I realize that traffic is caused by hundreds of small overcorrections or overcompensations compounded over and over again, causing somewhate of a domino or ripple effect. I also realize that sometimes I overcompensate while braking as well. But if that one person who decided to brake first just didn't, then there would be no traffi...wait, I must be on some form of crack. If that one person didn't brake, then there are plenty of other idiots out there who will do it, so there will always be traffic. People suck. *End Rant*
Anyway, I got home at around noon. After dropping my stuff off, my family and I headed to my uncle's house for Thanksgiving dinner. Now, this wasn't just any Thanksgiving dinner; this was Thanksgiving dinner: Chinese style. We had all the usual stuff: stuffed turkey, roast beef, potatoes, etc...all soaked in a nice pool of gravy. We also had the good stuff: lamb cooked in some sort of Asian sauce, chow fun, chow mein, and best of all, sticky rice with chicken. Yum. I left a little earlier than everyone else because I wanted to get some of my work done. Of course, I didn't get any work done. I did however, get 13 hours of sleep. That's how much sleep I sometimes get in a week. And yes, it was good.
Friday was John's 21st birthday (finally). John, Grace, Arya and I went out to celebrate. We decided to go bar hopping around Laguna Beach, but our first stop was Arya's house, where John, Arya, and I downed one beer and shotgunned another. Grace then drove us to our first bar on PCH, which I think was called Main Street. Here is an important note to self, and to anyone else out there who wants to listen: Laguna Beach bars are full of old people, a lot of whom are gay apparently. Everyone in that bar was at least twice our age. Anyway, I didn't get carded for the New Castle I drank there, which was cool. We left soon after we finished our drinks. Our next stop was a bar called the Sandpiper, which unfortunately had a $5 cover charge. It was a good thing we went in though, because the average age of this bar was much much lower than the previous bar, and they had live music. I had two drinks. Their names escape me at the moment, but they were full of alcohol.
**This entry has been left as an unfinished draft for over a week now, so I figure I should finish it up quickly.
After that, we headed over to the Spectrum. There we (minus Grace) relieved ourselves in the bushes. Grace still had to pee, so we went to the nearest bathroom, but unfortunately, on the way, John stepped on Arya's foot and twisted his ankle. I don't remember why, but for some reason John went into the bathroom, and Arya and I followed him in...along with two security guards wondering what we were doing. I mean, it's not like we were doing anything illegal, but I still don't realize that I am already 21 and that it is legal for me to drink. Anyway, after that, we go to Dave and Busters only to realize they also have a cover charge. Luckily for us (minus Arya), Andrew Gonzales, a friend from my elementary school days who I had not seen since the end of elementary school was the person checking ID's outside D&B. He was able to get us (minus Arya because he had already paid) in for free. We found out that he was getting off soon and he asked us to meet him at Champps for some drinks. We left for Champps soon after that, stopping along the way at the Yard House, where we had some Amber Bach on tap. Well actually, I only had a few sips because I could feel myself starting to get sick. At Champps, I had one more drink (I think...). I should have heeded my body's warning from before, because soon after I finished that drink, I started to feel nauseous. Naturally, I put my head down on the table and promptly went to sleep. I think at some point we moved from the table to the bar, but I was pretty much asleep the whole time there. I had averted the vomiting for the time being, but I had to get up sometime. Well, let's just say I said goodbye to Andrew with my head leaning over a plant.
The night ended with a long awaited late-night trip to Carl's Jr. and Del Taco. It was great being able to hang out with (almost) everybody again, but I don't think I will be drinking, at least like that, for awhile. I'm not sure what's happened, but I just don't really see the allure of alcohol anymore. I'm sure the vomiting plays a very big part in that, but it's not just that.
Randomness: Chinchillas are cool.
Thanksgiving break came and went too quickly. It was a welcome break from the stresses of school and work -- and yet not. Although I was not physically at school, I still could not put off school work. With a paper due Wednesday, a lab due Thurdsay, a lab final on Friday, and the rest of my finals looming ominously in the not too distant future, I could not really afford to take a break. With that said, I didn't do any work this weekend.
I left for Irvine on Thursday morning at around 10:15 am. Two hours of random traffic caused by people randomly braking later, I got home. *WARNING: Rant* I still do not understand why people brake at the slightest curve in the road or decline in elevation. Oh no! The road is going from an elevation of 30 feet to 10 over the span of half a mile! I must brake all the way down! Bah. I realize that traffic is caused by hundreds of small overcorrections or overcompensations compounded over and over again, causing somewhate of a domino or ripple effect. I also realize that sometimes I overcompensate while braking as well. But if that one person who decided to brake first just didn't, then there would be no traffi...wait, I must be on some form of crack. If that one person didn't brake, then there are plenty of other idiots out there who will do it, so there will always be traffic. People suck. *End Rant*
Anyway, I got home at around noon. After dropping my stuff off, my family and I headed to my uncle's house for Thanksgiving dinner. Now, this wasn't just any Thanksgiving dinner; this was Thanksgiving dinner: Chinese style. We had all the usual stuff: stuffed turkey, roast beef, potatoes, etc...all soaked in a nice pool of gravy. We also had the good stuff: lamb cooked in some sort of Asian sauce, chow fun, chow mein, and best of all, sticky rice with chicken. Yum. I left a little earlier than everyone else because I wanted to get some of my work done. Of course, I didn't get any work done. I did however, get 13 hours of sleep. That's how much sleep I sometimes get in a week. And yes, it was good.
Friday was John's 21st birthday (finally). John, Grace, Arya and I went out to celebrate. We decided to go bar hopping around Laguna Beach, but our first stop was Arya's house, where John, Arya, and I downed one beer and shotgunned another. Grace then drove us to our first bar on PCH, which I think was called Main Street. Here is an important note to self, and to anyone else out there who wants to listen: Laguna Beach bars are full of old people, a lot of whom are gay apparently. Everyone in that bar was at least twice our age. Anyway, I didn't get carded for the New Castle I drank there, which was cool. We left soon after we finished our drinks. Our next stop was a bar called the Sandpiper, which unfortunately had a $5 cover charge. It was a good thing we went in though, because the average age of this bar was much much lower than the previous bar, and they had live music. I had two drinks. Their names escape me at the moment, but they were full of alcohol.
**This entry has been left as an unfinished draft for over a week now, so I figure I should finish it up quickly.
After that, we headed over to the Spectrum. There we (minus Grace) relieved ourselves in the bushes. Grace still had to pee, so we went to the nearest bathroom, but unfortunately, on the way, John stepped on Arya's foot and twisted his ankle. I don't remember why, but for some reason John went into the bathroom, and Arya and I followed him in...along with two security guards wondering what we were doing. I mean, it's not like we were doing anything illegal, but I still don't realize that I am already 21 and that it is legal for me to drink. Anyway, after that, we go to Dave and Busters only to realize they also have a cover charge. Luckily for us (minus Arya), Andrew Gonzales, a friend from my elementary school days who I had not seen since the end of elementary school was the person checking ID's outside D&B. He was able to get us (minus Arya because he had already paid) in for free. We found out that he was getting off soon and he asked us to meet him at Champps for some drinks. We left for Champps soon after that, stopping along the way at the Yard House, where we had some Amber Bach on tap. Well actually, I only had a few sips because I could feel myself starting to get sick. At Champps, I had one more drink (I think...). I should have heeded my body's warning from before, because soon after I finished that drink, I started to feel nauseous. Naturally, I put my head down on the table and promptly went to sleep. I think at some point we moved from the table to the bar, but I was pretty much asleep the whole time there. I had averted the vomiting for the time being, but I had to get up sometime. Well, let's just say I said goodbye to Andrew with my head leaning over a plant.
The night ended with a long awaited late-night trip to Carl's Jr. and Del Taco. It was great being able to hang out with (almost) everybody again, but I don't think I will be drinking, at least like that, for awhile. I'm not sure what's happened, but I just don't really see the allure of alcohol anymore. I'm sure the vomiting plays a very big part in that, but it's not just that.
Randomness: Chinchillas are cool.

"Here's why you should slow down around curves"
gluck on finals =P
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