Thursday, March 09, 2006

You're always so right

Currently Playing: Simple Plan - Shut Up

The "bird flu" panic has gotten way out of hand. I have been seeing at least one to two top headlines about it every day. What really got to me was the most recent one: Bird Flu Could Appear in U.S. in Months. Attention grabbing, yes. This headline was obviously written to catch your attention by inciting panic. For months now we've been hearing that the bird flu could be the first pandemic of the 21st century. It has been likened to the plague that ran through Europe. How could you ignore this frightening possibility?!

Quite easily, in fact. What many people do not seem to realize is that all of this is theoretical. Yes, there is a bird flu virus strain known as H5N1 that currently can infect and spread from bird to bird. And yes, in theory, there is a possiblilty that this virus could mutate and become infectious to humans. And yes, in theory, that could possibly mutate and become contagious and spread from person to person. And yes, in theory, there is a chance the virus could become deadly.

But remember: In theory, communism works. In theory. Risks should be assessed, and precautions should be taken, but all with a grain of salt. The virus has taken eight years to spread from East Asia to Europe. As this article says, "Short of eating infected bird feces, humans seem close to immune." And honestly, if you eat bird crap, maybe it's your own fault you got sick.

So to sum up, this whole bird flu scare is stupid. OMFGWTFBBQ! One cat died from infection! Kill all birds! Kill all cats! Sigh. Anyway, moral of the story is: Don't eat bird shit.


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