Tuesday, September 28, 2004


Currently Playing: Brand New - Play Crack The Sky

I'm tired. There's only been three real days of class - but I'm tired.

At first I planned to take Japanese, but since I'm still on the waiting list and the professor does not seem to want to add people, I don't think I'm going to get in. Not to mention that taking Japanese would also entail a considerable amount of busywork and two quizzes each week. Of course, that's on top of a class every day at 9:00am. So, I don't think that would have worked out in the end anyway.

The class I am going to replace it with (if at all), is probably going to be Psychology 101, Developmental Psychology. That class, hopefully, will not be too difficult. I am hoping it will be like all the other psychology classes I've taken, with only a few midterms and a final. No homework please. The only drawback about this class is that the lecture is from 6:30pm to 9:20pm every Tuesday. I don't know how many of you have had a three hour lecture, but trust me, sitting through all of it is death. I don't even think my laptop battery will last through all three hours. I'm hoping all the lecture notes will be posted online with explanations for everything, thereby negating my need to go to class.

My other classes also suck, but I don't really feel like talking about them, so...yeah, moving on.

My schedule for work is supposed to be Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 12:00pm to 6:00pm every week. This week, however, since people are stupid and they like to give money away, the bookstore is open until 8:00pm every day, so I'm going to have to work until 8:00pm. YAY! Not to mention I have to deal with stupid people the whole time I'm there. From 12:00pm to 3:30pm, I have to deal with my supervisor, who believes in doing things her way and her way only. When things aren't done exactly the way she wants, even though most of the time she doesn't even tell us how she wants it done, she gets annoyed and makes you do it all over again. At least she is fair in her yelling: everyone gets an equal share.

The rest of the day I have to deal with students. On Monday, I think the only question I got asked all day was "I didn't see X book on the shelf, do you guys have any more/when is it coming in?" Maybe if any of them actually looked at the tag on the shelf, they would realize that not only does it say that the textbook was Re-ordered/Delayed, but also that it says what day it is expected to come in. Can't people do anything for themselves...?? Of course, my supervisor doesn't make it any better. She is very anal about customer service. We have to greet every customer and help them find every single one of their books if necessary. Once she yelled at me because I didn't help a customer that walked into the store even though she plainly saw that I was in the middle of helping another customer.

Oh wait, I was wrong about that question being the only question I was asked. One customer did come up and ask me where I got the lanyard that my nametag hangs from. The conversation pretty much went like this:

Customer: Hey, where did you get that? (Points at the lanyard around my neck.)
Me: They gave it to me when I started working here.
Customer: Oh. Are they still handing them out?
Me: No...I don't think they hand these out. (They say UCSD Bookstore on them)
Customer: Oh. Can I have yours? (I can't be 100% positive, but I am quite sure he was serious.)
Me: No. Do you need some help finding books?
Customer: Oh, no. (Walks away.)
And of course I stand there confused for about ten seconds until another customer comes up to me and asks me if we still have any more of their book.

I really don't know what I'm going to do when I actually have to study. Maybe I'll just die. That will solve everything.

The only thing I really look forward to every day is getting home and eating dinner with Tiffany, and then spending a little time with her before I have to go to home and go to sleep and start the cycle all over again.

Oh, and of course playing the occasional game of poker. And winning. (Except that one game where I lost in the first hand. That was a damn fluke. Stupid Jon.)

Randomness: Full Metal Alchemist is too good...

Sunday, September 12, 2004

I Love Food

Currently Playing: Yuki - Home Sweet Home

Yesterday I drove up to Monterey Park with my family to visit my cousins who just got back from a month and a half long vacation to Indonesia, China, and Vietnam. We celebrated their homecoming by going out to eat a mouthwatering dinner at a Chinese restaurant. It was one of the better dinners I've had in a long while, since I haven't been able to go home that much as of late.

The dinner started out with some melon/seafood soup that came in this gigantic golden jar with an elegant lid. That was quite good. Next came some weird duck dish that was served cold, but still very good. After that, two more duck dishes came out, roasted duck and Peking duck with the little buns and the sauce that you put in it. Yum. Finally came the seafood. There was a crab dish, which was okay, two lobster dishes, and a big plate of the big shrimp that they always have in those tanks. One of the lobsters was made in this garlic/butter sauce, the same sauce the shrimp came in. The other one was boiled in some sauce and placed over white noodles. All in all, it was a good day. And to top it all off, there were leftovers so I get to bring them with me back to SD. Yay!

...Oh yea, and there was some vegetable dish in there somewhere...

Anyway, now I'm off to eat barbecue at another cousin's house and then fight through the inevitable food coma and drive back to SD.

Randomness: Go makes my head hurt. It's very demoralizing to get whomped on by the computer even with a 3 stone handicap.

Friday, September 10, 2004

My Typical Day

Currently Playing: Yellowcard - Miles Apart

So I haven't updated in quite some time. I don't think many people read this anyway, so it didn't seem like it was necessary (not that it ever really was...). Anyway, a big factor causing my non-updating has been the fact that I have just been really busy. Between working 30 hours a week and going to class and studying for class and sleeping in preparation for going to work and class and studying for class, I was left with very little time to do anything else. I would get home after 6:30 pm every day, and after eating and watching a little T.V. and the requisite sitting, I pretty much had to go shower and get ready for bed. Which is not good, because since I was taking O-chem, I really needed to study and stay caught up with the class. It didn't help that I had a midterm every week and a half and a nice final to look forward to after that. That means that after finishing my studying for one midterm, I would have to start studying for the next one right away. Of course, this did not happen. Who in their right minds would feel like studying right after a midterm?! I would take a few days off to rest, and before I knew it, the next midterm was rolling around. It got so bad that now when I see those football play diagrams with the shapes and arrows pointing from one shape to another shape, I think of electron pushing. Ugh. Well, at least it's over with. Now I don't have to deal with O-chem ever again. YAY!!!*

I have the next two weeks or so free from school and the stress that it undeniably brings. However, I still have to work, pretty much full time now, which means I have to stay in SD. This sucks because everyone has left except John, and even then we both have work, so...yea. Even Tiffany left...I miss you so much. This means that my day has become really routine. My typical day goes like this:

7:01 am - Wake up to my first alarm, snooze it.
7:05 am - Wake up to my phone alarm, turn that off.
7:11 am - Wake up to the snoozed alarm, turn that off, and finally get up.
7:12 am - I take one of my "Uncrustables" sandwiches to defrost (it takes about 30 minutes). Start to get ready.
7:22 am - Head to the bus stop.
7:31 am - Get on the bus.
7:43 am - Arrive on campus and eat my sandwich.
7:50 am - Go into work. Pull TRS (Textbook Reservation Service: we pack your books in a nice neat package for you) the rest of the day.
12:00 pm - Go eat lunch, usually Panda or Shogun.
5:00 pm - Get off work.
5:05 pm - Get on the bus.
5:18 pm - Get home and eat/sleep/watch T.V., do whatever.
9:00 pm - Talk to my Tiffany until whenever I start to feel sleepy, then shower and sleep.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

Yay for routine.

Hmm, let's see, what else has been happening...Let's make a list:

1) I entered two poker tournaments at Viejas Casino in the last month or so. The first one I did quite well in, finishing fifth and winning about $280 in the process. The second one was not so good, because we arrived there late, so I was a high alternate, and by the time I got to start playing, the blinds were already nearly a quarter of my total chips. I got eliminated rather quickly, but luckily I won my money back at three card poker. I got a straight, which is a 6:1 payoff (I think), but unluckily, the dealer got a three of a kind on the same hand, trumping my straight. Originally the dealer did not realize this and handed me $50 something, but then some manager guy came over and fixed it, and they asked me to give back $25, which sucks, because I could have just run away after I won and they would have never been able to get the money back. Boo-urns.

2) I had jury duty on September 7th. I had been summoned earlier in the summer, but I postponed it because I had summer school. I got there a little late, so I had to find parking quickly. I couldn't park in the metered spots, because I didn't know how long I would have to be in there. So I searched frantically (probably not a good idea given that the area near the courthouse is always swarming with police cars) for the cheapest and closest parking lot. I found one and parked, only to find that the rate for parking up to ten hours is a whopping $16!! Unfortunately, I had no choice but to park. So I go into the courthouse, and after listening to some judge talk for awhile, another guy came and told us that if we had any reason to leave, we should go talk to the people in the Jury Offices. Since I would have to take time off work, I didn't really want to serve on a jury, so I left to see if I could get it excused by saying I was a student or something. When I got there, the lady was confused, and then she asked me if I used to live at 3420 Lebon Dr., which was my old address. I said yes, and then she told me that they had tried to send me a second summons, but it was returned to them as undeliverable, so I had been excused from service. Damn them! I wasted many hours of sleep and $16 for parking for nothing! I was there for a grand total of 45 minutes...

3) I got a new phone! I now have Cingular, and one of those small Samsung flip phones. I like it because I can download my own customized wallpapers and ringtones. All I have to do is find a good "*.midi" file of the ring tone I want and send it to myself. Right now I am using "Go Go Naruto" as my ring tone, which is quite possibly the coolest thing ever. I also have the chocobo song from FFVII on there, but it's not quite as cool. I also got a new number, and for the select few that want to know it, you can ask me yourself.

I think that's enough.

Randomness: I just realized I turn 21 in less than a month. WTF?

*Oh yes, by "ever again", I really mean in two weeks, when I have to take O-chem Lab. Should be great times.