Wednesday, June 29, 2005

The weather is getting better by the hour

Currently Playing: Brand New - Jude Law and a Semester Abroad

Global warming pisses me off.

I'd hate to re-rant about something I have already ranted about, but I just saw this
article on Yahoo! I hate how the media manipulates the uneducated public with these bullshit scare stories. How exactly can they measure the salt content of the whole fucking ocean anyway?! It's impossible. Not only that, the salt content is not the same everywhere. Just because one or some areas of the ocean have declining salt concentrations does not mean the whole ocean does.

Same with the whole "Global warming" theory. Just because some glaciers are melting, and some climates are getting warmer, it does not mean the whole Earth is getting warmer, and that all the glaciers will melt and flood the Earth. In fact, most glaciers are growing, but you never hear anything about those do you? The article even says that "
scientists disagree over whether the planet is warming and how much humans might be contributing." And yet in the very next sentence it only talks about how "most" climate experts believe there is a clear warming trend. Just the fact that there is widespread disagreement should tell you something. You don't see anyone arguing about DNA coding for genes, or that the acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s^2. That's because no one can accurately and consistently predict the weather one month or even one week in the future, let alone in hundreds of years.

And even if the Earth were experiencing global warming, the effects are so miniscule and so extended that we wouldn't be able to tell the difference anyway. Oh no! the Earth is going to warm up one degree in a hundred years! Time to give this "trend" a spiffy name and cause widespread panic! YAY!

Saturday, June 18, 2005

So now faith is replaced with a logic so cold

Currently Playing: Straylight Run - It's for the Best

Some random blurbs:

Grades are up. I fucked up royally this quarter. So much for finally raising my GPA above 3.0. I don't think it's even possible anymore.

I found out that I need to take both the general GREs and the subject GREs for grad school. I must do exceptionally well on both to make up for my shitty, shitty GPA. Ah, it's just like High School all over again. They tell you once you get to college, everything is different. But honestly, it's exactly the same.

I decided to accept the unpaid internship position. They only have me working two and a half days a week and I will definitely get a letter of recommendation from them. I even get to conduct my own study and maybe even get published.

I was at the Costa Mesa Mitsuwa eating ramen (the best ramen ever, by the way) last week and they were showing this weird Japanese show on the TVs they have there. Apparently the kids in Japan play a weird game involving big nets, big fans, and paper airplanes. There are two teams, one on "offense," and one on "defense"...I think. The team on offense has one player at the baseline of what looks like a volleyball court, and that person throws a paper airplane. The other players on offense then try to catch the paper airplane with their big nets. The defense's job then, is to try to disrupt the flight pattern of the paper airplane with their big fans and prevent the other team from catching the paper airplaine. They take turns being on offense and defense, I think; and there is a point-based system that determines who wins and loses. I couldn't understand what they were saying, but the kids seemed really intense when they interviewed them. Apparently this is a big thing over in Japan. Those crazy Japanese...

Apparently the San Diego Police department employs RSVPs, a.k.a. Retired Senior Volunteer Patrols. They get to drive around in a quasi-police car (I say "quasi" because the car only had an orange half-siren positioned on top of the hood and very few markings) and serve as "ambassadors to the public" by helping to "
assist the public with everyday questions (such as recommending good restaurants, parking, activities, etc)." LOL.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

No one hears me sing this song

Currently Playing: Weezer - In the Garage

So I got a random "Anonymous" call yesterday, and on a whim I decided to actually pick it up. To my surprise it wasn't a telemarketer trying to survey me about what kind of soap I use, but a response from one of the jobs I applied to. Unfortunately, she informed me that they could not offer me the job I applied for because I am still in school, but that she could offer me an unpaid internship. My first instinct was to turn it down, but since I have no other prospects right now, and since the job actually sounds interesting, I decided to take it.

The only downsides are that it's all the way in Carlsbad, which is about 20 miles away, and well, of course, that I don't get paid. We'll see how it goes when I go in on Thursday. Worse comes to worst, I won't feel too guilty about quitting.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Why do you leave these stories unfinished?

Currently Playing: Something Corporate - Walking By

I've been meaning to finish this entry for awhile now, but I have been too busy pretending to study for finals. Of course I choose now, 14 hours before my first final (which, by the way, is worth 100% of my grade in the class), to drop the charade and just plain slack my ass off.

Anyway, this is a story from the past Saturday:

I was driving north on La Jolla Village Drive to pick up Tiffany from work this past Saturday when I notice this girl in a silver Honda Civic following me pretty closely. This continued for a block or so before I decided to switch lanes and let her pass. I guess she chose that same moment to try to pass me, so I end up getting in her way. For some reason unbeknownst to me, she assumes that gives her the right to high beam me and to flip me the bird as she past me.

Now, normally, I am a very forgiving person. But this really, really pissed me off. I'm not sure what it was. Maybe it was because she didn't even bother to look at me as she passed. Maybe it was because she just looked like a bitch. Or, maybe Kevin is right, and losing three straight sets in Virtua Tennis really does put you in a horrible mood - I don't know. I just knew that I could not let her drive away thinking that she could get away with something like that because she believes she is better than everyone else.

So, I gave her a taste of her own medicine.

And it was bitter.

If you've never been in the car while I was driving before, I'll tell you now that I can tailgate as well as just about anyone. So I tailgate her for two blocks or so (in the process missing the turn to pick up Tiffany). She then proceeds to drive through a red light...right in front of a waiting police car (for those of you who might be thinking that I could have caused an accident, she thought she could make the yellow light; and she nearly did). I, of course, stopped at the light and had the priviledge of watching her get pulled over. Ah, karma is a bitch.

Randomness: My thoughts go out to Andrew McMahon, the lead singer of Something Corporate and Jack's Mannequin, who was diagnosed with Acute Lymphatic Leukemia recently. Your music has the ability to lift my spirits when I am down and brings me closer to the people that I love. You will make a full recovery and continue to make the music I love.