I don't mean to generalize, but women fucking suck at driving. Sure, not all of them are out there to kill or piss off anyone unfortunate enough to be on the road at the same time as them, and not all the bad ones are female, but it always seems like the worst ones are.
On just a ten minute drive from the Burger King on Miramar to Birch Aquarium, I encountered three separate instances of bad/horrible driving.
1. On the La Jolla Village Drive overpass of the 805 freeway, a silver SUV that was in front of me braked suddenly and slowed to 30 mph when everyone else was going at least 55 mph. I had to change lanes quickly to avoid hitting the SUV, and the car behind me had to brake pretty hard. I pass the SUV only to see a girl pointing at seeminly nothing to apparently no one. She didn't even have a passenger! Who and what could she be pointing to??
2. Also on La Jolla Village Drive, this time right before the Via La Jolla Drive intersection, some middle aged woman slowed down to a crawl and then stopped for the red light. Not too bad so far right? Well, she didn't just stop a few feet behind a car like you normally would. She stopped at least two and a half car lengths behind the car in front of her! And that wasn't even the worst part. When the light turned green, she didn't move! So I gave her my allowed time of ten seconds and then honked at her. She then proceeded to crawl to the light, but by the time she got there, the light had already turned yellow. And obviously you have to stop for a yellow light. Which is exactly what she did. Bitch.
3. I was stopped in the left turn lane to turn into Birch Aquarium when an old lady slowed to a stop in the lane next to me. The only problem was, her light was green! She was honestly stopped there for at least a minute and a half, just staring blankly at God knows what, oblivious to the cars passing her in the other lane. Then some guy on his cell phone pulled up behind her and stopped there, also apparently oblivious to the fact that their light was green. It wasn't until a third car got stuck there that the second car realized what was going on and honked at the old lady. Luckily I got to watch the whole thing unfold as merely a passive observer.